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These services combine our coaches’ consultative areas of expertise to evaluate and coach professionals who are at-risk for or engaging in ethical or interpersonal misconduct, or are attitudinally disengaged from their responsibilities. Typical areas of difficulty include: reliability in meeting responsibilities, practicing self-improvement with a positive attitude, effective and respectful communication, anger and conflict management, respecting boundaries and roles, and practicing integrity, honesty, responsibility and emotional intelligence within a team environment or complex system.

Professional-At-Risk services are particularly appropriate when successful behavioral professionalism in the work environment is the shared commitment of both the organization and the referred professional.  While professionals are welcome to self-enroll, the process typically involves referral and information from employers or organizations that need a responsive and accurate assessment and plan, for professionalism concerns.

We specialize in evaluating those in the helping professions, including health care, law, ministry, counseling, social work, education and higher education, and any profession that prioritizes a humanistic and service mission.