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Burnout, Stress, and Trauma Care

At Virtue Medicine, our doctors specialize in trauma-informed care and support.

We have merged our multiple areas of expertise to offer empirically-validated group and organizational interventions when there are threats to safety and security, or an organization is noticing a decline in morale, hope and optimism with signs of chronic stress and burnout. In the face of stressors, both acute and chronic, professional altruism, perseverance, and fidelity can be strained and negatively impact functioning in the workplace and in personal life.  Our consultative expertise helps protect against these harms, even when trauma, grief, or stress cannot be avoided because they are occupational hazards.

Exposure to crisis or catastrophic events, or a noticed decline into professional distress and burnout, demand rapid and decisive responses for the efficacy of the individuals and the department or team as a whole.  Appropriate interventions leverage the existing relationships, culture, and strengths of the group to care for themselves in adaptive and informed ways.  Our goal for our organizations is to optimize resilience and post-traumatic growth.

Prepare for an Organizational Response, with Expert Help!