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Janeta Tansey, MD PhD is a board-certified physician, practicing in Ethics and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry since 1999.  She is a Diplomate Clinician and Teaching Faculty in Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, and has broad training and experience in mind-body medicine and existential therapies. She is a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a Fellow of the Institute of Coaching (MacLean-Harvard), an active member and leader in the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, and a Fulbright Specialist (2021-2025). Her integrative approach draws from neuroscience and medicine, humanistic and wisdom traditions, values-based and existential psychology, and – fundamentally – a commitment to whole-person care.

Dr. Tansey offers specialty clinics/consultation in both Organizational Psychology and Integrative Psychiatry. She has particular expertise in supporting those in the helping professions achieve greater authenticity and effectiveness in their lives by addressing the “dark sides and shadows,” which play into both suffering and creative power. Her confidential clinics are dedicated to human courage, through greater clarity in values, compassionate emotional intelligence/resonant leadership, and an abiding curiosity and respect for self and others. Her approach is steeped in depth and trauma-informed listening practices, and her clients are urged towards practices of humility, bravery, and loving-kindness.

The security of client and patient information is a high priority. Dr. Tansey does not use Electronic Health Record (EHR) software to create, store, or share her assessment and treatment records. She does use e-prescribing software for patients receiving medication management, in compliance with state medical policy.